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Artfully Insane


Patient Name: Rodgers, Kevin

Doctor’s Notes:

Subject is proficient in stabbing with hollow needles, but only if they’re properly sterilized.


Subject was sane for most of his life – until he was hit by a semi-truck. His insanity was only part of the onset of problems. Walking away from a career in state government, as well as a blossoming career in medicine, the subject was sentenced to life imprisonment in the asylum.  

Kevin likes to spend his free period playing guitar. He also enjoys the freedom of riding his motorcycle, when the doctors permit for good behavior.  

Medication Notes:

He can be kept quietly sedated with Wild Turkey 101.

Kevin’s Visiting Hours: 

2:00PM – 8:00PM    Thursdays

12:00PM – 8:00PM   Fridays

12:00PM – 8:00PM   Saturdays

12:00PM – 8:00PM   Sundays