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Artfully Insane


Patient Name: Straub, Travis

Doctor’s Notes:  

The subject enjoys free form psychedelic color and highly textured subject content. Highly proficient in black and grey as well. Loves polite, friendly visitors and has been shown to treat them with a mutual courtesy and respect.


The subject in question has been pursuing interests in art since the late 1970’s and tattooing since 1995. He prefers dynamic use of abstract color, but displays an aptitude for black and grey and all forms in between. Believes if it’s not custom…why bother? Also a gifted cartoonist and multi-instrumentalist, this subjects highly multi-dimensional approach to all things makes him extremely dangerous and almost impossible to predict. Approach with utmost caution.

Travis’s Visiting Hours:

12:00PM – 8:00PM   Wednesdays
2:00PM – 8:00PM    Thursdays
12:00PM – 8:00PM   Fridays
12:00PM – 8:00PM   Saturdays